Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stretching in YOUR everyday life!

If you have come to some of my yoga classes these stretches are probably not new to you.  Consider putting them in your yoga tool-belt & take them home w/ you.  If you have NO desire to try yoga, that is cool--but know that these stretches can greatly benefit you too, so give them a try in the comfort of your own home!  What do you have to loose?

Supine Twist
The supine twist is good for stretching your back, circulating oxygen & promoting fresh supply to your spine & organs .  You may notice I am crooked on my mat (try to avoid being crooked).  Lay on your back, place your arms in a "T" shape, bend your knees, engage your core drawing your belly button back to your spine, and gently let your knees tip out to the side.  Rest there for 5-10 or more breaths.  Then, engage your core, draw your legs back to center, & gently let them fall over to the left.  Again resting for 5-10+ breaths.

The Number Four Stretch
The number four stretch is great for stretching the hips, low back including the piriformis, and can help w/ sciatic discomfort.  Begin lying on your back.  Then bend your knees and cross the right ankle on your left knee.  Keep your left foot on the ground if that is enough stretch for you.  If you need more of a stretch thread your hands through your crossed leg reaching for your left thigh, or your left shin.  Hold here for 5-10+ breaths.  When you are ready to release the posture first lower your left foot to your mat.  Then, uncross your legs.  Pause & repeat on the other side.

Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana is a very gentle pose that will open your hips & your heart.  With your knees bent bring the bottoms of your feet together, & let your knees gently fall out to the sides.  Then, bring one hand to your abdomen & one hand to your heart.  When you breathe direct your breath to your abdomen, feeling the rise & fall of your chest.  This pose stimulates your heart, abdominal organs, stretches your inner thighs, hips, & reproductive region.

Legs Up the Wall
Legs up the wall pose is a rejuvenating posture that uplifts your spirits soothes achy legs, & can get rid of headaches!  To get into this pose sit sideways to the wall & get your bottom as close as you can to the wall.  Then, lay back onto your mat extending your legs up the wall.  This is a very gentle posture that can be used in place of shoulder stand giving you some of the same benefits.  This posture can be held for a long time up to 50 breaths.  If you are not comfortable in this posture for that long stop when you are ready.  If you have glaucoma speak w/ your doctor before trying this posture & work closely w/ an educated yoga teacher.  If your legs begin to tingle you can take this into supta baddha legs up the wall (shown below).

All of the above postures are perfectly practical for anyone to try.  You don't even need a yoga mat.  All you need is yourself and some quiet time.  If you'd like to get a bit more involve here are some props you can use.

Supported Legs Up the Wall
You can place a pillow under your neck, blankets under your arms, eye pillow, & a block on your feet.  Relax & stay awhile!

Supta Baddha Supported Legs Up the Wall
If your legs tingle in legs up the wall, or you just LOVE supta baddha konasana try this on the wall!

Please leave a comment on your experience w/ these stretches & share them w/ your friends & family.  If you have any questions let me know.

***These pictures were taken at The Yoga Path in Davison, MI.  If you haven't had a chance to check out this new yoga studio & would like to please click on the link above!


I have taken far too long of a break from my blog, but I am BACK in action!  In my hiatus I have been studying for an aquatics certificate, adding more fitness classes to my schedule, creating new fitness classes like-Yoga H2O, getting new tat-a-toos, donating my time to teach yoga to Relay for Life participants, training for bikeMS (150 mile 2 day bike ride) & promoting LOV'EMs at Women's Night Out & other community events.
My apologies for my absence.  What can I say?  It is tough to blog when working full time, holding down multiple part time gigs to pursue my passion, but I am enjoying it.
Keep an eye out for a simple stretching blog post for everyday life, updates on my BikeMS training, recipes, & Spirituality posts (yes I am going there).