Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
I love this quote above. It reflects a sequence that does come to play in our everyday life. When we think badly about ourselves it, we tend to talk badly to ourselves--which can play to selfHATE, not a good thing to be in the habit of, because our values lower and ultimately our destiny becomes depression. Not a good place to be at all. Next time you notice yourself thinking poorly about yourself, pause, reflect, and change that thought to something positive about yourself, because that will lead to positive self talk, leading to selfLOVE, a great feeling to have in balance, which leads to loving yourself, which leads to loving life in all aspects! Make a mindful effort to keep your beliefs & thoughts positive, because it will lead to a positive life. We can all use more of that!
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