On Thursday I picked up our Santa Suits for a 5k in downtown Flint. Last weekend was my son's 9th birthday, and let me tell you he took FULL advantage of his "birthday weekend." On Saturday morning we got ready to head out to Flint, even Nana joined us! There were a TON of people there, and they said we helped to raise over $400,000 to help kiddos to go to summer camp. What an awesome way to give.
My son, Keem has been a runner since the moment the kid could walk (roughly 15 months). I always joked that I wish there was "Track for Tots." We had many close calls, and I ended up being the mom that put my son in a harness w/ a leash. Not because I was sick in the head, but because he was FASTER than I could catch him. I told him it was his monkey backpack and I would hold the monkey's tail. He was cool w/ that.
Fast forward to elementary school, and Keem's passion for running evolved. He still loved to run, mostly on his own terms. He and I would go for a run which often times would be me running backwards w/ him chasing after, or me running circles around him as we toured the neighborhood. As Keem got older he told me he wanted to be on the Cross Country Team. Since they don't have Cross Country in Elementary school we decided to start registering him for races. This past season he has done: 30 yard dash, Atwood Stadium 100 yard dash, 1 mile Crim for Kids, Mighty Mile (swamp run), Mother Nature 5K, Turkey Trot Walk, and most recently the Santa Run 5K.
I am so impressed w/ my kiddos desire and passion to follow through. This was NOT my style as a child, and I'd like to think my positive influence is help molding his passion. I really wanted to make this 5K my record PR (personal record), but I had to keep reminding myself that this needs to be fun for him. After the first two miles, and a milk and cookie table (why couldn't that be at the end?) Keem started to putter out. The very last mile was a strong run-walk-jump-run-walk pace. Keem had fun hurdling over the cones, perhaps this means he may enjoy track one day. We finished the race in 38:23 and I am super happy w/ that time. It wasn't a timed race, but I kept track!
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