Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stadium KARMA (Free) Workout

We went to the stadium at 9 am on Sunday and did the track to warm up, some agility exercises, box jumps, stairs, and BLEACHERS!  My son tagged along and played follow the leader.  I had a client join us as well.  Every now and again (2-4 times a month) I will post free workout opportunities on my facebook page.  Like my page, and take advantage of FREE!
Follow the leader
Box jumps--cheerleaders
got nothin' on me!

DOWN the bleachers w/ grace!
UP the bleachers!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Terriyaki Chicken

I was at the grocery w/ Keem recently, and he was HUNGRY.  He hit up all the sample stands while were there.  One thing he LOVED was Terriyaki Chicken.  It had mushrooms and bell peppers in it.  Keem BEGGED for me to buy it.  Yes, I know I don't really eat meat anymore, but I still need to feed my boys.  And I can do Chicken and vegetables FAR better than a plastic bag in the freezer section.

Chicken breast, gaaaaaahlic, ginger, bell peppers (what ever color), mushrooms, onion, brown sugar, low sodium tamari (soy sauce), tequilla (optional)

 Chop it all up, dump it in.  I used 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1/4-1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp tequila, tiny piece of ginger, and prob a cup or 2 of water.  I cooked this on medium for about 6 hrs. 

 Dinner for the boys!

This was requested to be eaten w/ spaghetti noodles.  I was working when the boys ate it, and Dad had other plans.  It you like pasta, go for it.  Choose a whole grain high in fiber, or even a past made out of quinoa.  ENJOY!  And yes, they ate leftovers until it was GONE!

Friday, October 14, 2011

It's a Yoga Weekend in my Home Base!

I am SUPER geeked for this weekend.  I am teaching a hot vinyasa class tomorrow at a 11 am at Yoga in the Woods in Goodrich, MI (come one come all--$5 for students, $10 drop in OR buy the NEW student special 10 classes for $20 w/in 30 days).

Then, from 2 pm-5 pm I am going to be selling my bath salts and soaks, dubbed LOV'EMs, at Ethos DIY show in Holly, MI.  I'll be selling them for between $3- $12, and if you return the jar when you are finished for a refill you will get a dollar off your next purchase!
There will be TONS of other peeps w/ Vegan crafts and yummy treats to purchase.  At 2pm they are having a story teller for the kiddos, and there will be live music as well.

I may even get to see my new nephew, but I just asked my bro & SIL to visit this am, so I am not holding my breath on that one.  Isn't he adorable?!

And on Sunday I will be at Yoga in the Woods for the Studio Open House from 1-3pm, and after from 3-5 pm for a Teacher Training Orientation.  The open house will have refreshments, get to know the instructors, new schedule & studio.  The Teacher Training Orientation is open to anyone that has been considering furthering their yoga journey.  Learn more about the program (200, 300, & 500 RYT; Michigan Registered Proprietary School & Registered Yoga Teacher Training), talk with teachers that have completed the program (moi ::wink::), and get a 10% discount if you sign up on Sunday!

I am really looking forward to my Yoga Weekend, and hope to see your shining faces <3XO <3XO

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bootcamp Laundry Day

Last Wednesday I brought towels to my bootcamp class.  It is fun to be creative with workouts.  Some of the exercises you can do w/ a towel are similar to those you can do w/ one of those expensive glide boards.  Don't get me wrong those are a blast, but sometimes practicality & resourcefulness are key!

 Chair pose.  To add intensity lift your heels!

1. Partner Squats w/ alternate ground tap

 2. Squat down and tap the ground

Partner Boat

 Mountain Climbers

 Wax on, wax off

Wax on, wax off

We did a nice dynamic warmup w/ a jog and other exercises not pictured here.  This was a bootcamp class at Anytime Fitness in Grand Blanc.  Come check it out Monday and Wednesday nights at 7 pm. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The power of Maca!

I just shared some chocolate w/ friends that I made.  I was inspired from Moses from the Green Bus & I Love Yoga project.  It is very easy to make.  I mixed it by eye.  Maca is a root that has energizing and libido properties.  If you ever want to give it a try stop on by my house I and I will serve you some!  Otherwise do some research, shopping, and creating and try it on your own.  I URGE you!

Maca Chocolate
Raw Honey
Crushed Organic Almonds (optional)