Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Confessions of a "Crossfit Novice"

As some of you know I am prepping for the Crossfit (XFit) Level 1 Instructor Certification & Test coming up in 10 days :-O  Throughout this journey I joined the local XFit gym (about a month ago), so that I would have some hands on experience rather than diving head first into a cert.  In addition to the physical aspect I have been studying in my free time the 100+ page book of information I will be tested on.  I am super thankful for my Personal Training (PT) & Yoga background, because it makes reading my XFit book easier for me to comprehend.  Granted there are vocabulary words I am not used to, & so my brain is working a tad bit harder--that challenge is welcomed!  Though in the physical aspect of XFit; PT & Yoga tend to get in the way.  I learned NOT to drop weights in PT.  In XFit that is encouraged, & man does it feel AWKWARD!  In Yoga you often stand w/ your feet hip distance, or w/ your feet touching at the toes.  In XFit you choose a stance from hip distance-shoulder distance depending on the movement.  All of these aspects mixed together can be helping or hindering to my training, but I look at it as a challenge for my brain.  It is good to have different types of exercise.  Not only does it keep your body active, it also keeps your brain active!

As part of XFit self study I have chosen to take on one of the diets that is highly encouraged from Xfit, the Zone Diet.  It is a block method, & depending on your size & sex the blocks range from 2-5.  Each block is: Protein, Carb, and Fat.  The ratio is 30% Protein, 30% Fat, 40% Carbs.  I prepped my food on Sunday (that will be another blog, promise), & chose the 2 block option for me this week.  I will adjust it if needed.  It is a bit harder for me since I follow a vegetarian diet, but I made it work.  I decided I will start posting on this from time to time to keep me honest... because yes I am a real person w/ real faults--& let me tell you, last night my faults were tootsie rolls leftover from Halloween (dumped those bad boys in the TRASH this morning).  Reporting back to you all will keep me honest, & I need that right now!

Today XFit & Meals:
5:30 am Wake up!  Yes, you too can do this at least 2 times a week!
6 am XFIT WOD: 5 Handstand Pushups, 10 Pistols (1 leg squat), & 15 Pull ups & REPEAT for time (20 minutes).  I got in 5 Rounds(5:15) almost 6 Rounds.  I blame the cold, but I am SUPER happy w/ my "score".  After all I am a Novice Crossfitter, but I was able to do probably about 20 of the Pistols unassisted & that isn't too shabby!
7:10 am Home to get ready for work
7:15 am Make Breakfast: YUMMY smoothie: 1 cup Almond Milk, 1 cup frozen Strawberries, 1 small handful Cashews, and 1 Tbsp Protein Powder (I used whey).
7:20 am walk upstairs and ponder whether I will be able to walk tomorrow after all those pistols!
7:30 am showered and ready to go, but "that darn cat" broke a lightbulb, so I got clean up duty!
7:40 am walk down the stairs and ponder whether my legs will be able to safely carry me to the bottom!!!!
8 am Black Coffee & working the dream...okay okay you caught me--working the job that I am VERY appreciative to have as an administrative assistant.
12:30 pm Lunch and typing this blog just for you!  Lunch: Lentils w/ Kale, Onions, Bell Peppers, Garlic, & vegetarian sausage.  Not sure how I feel about the sausage-its tasty, but I prefer my proteins to come from beans, and such.  I noticed the Zone diet has a lot of soy products in it & I am not sure how I feel about that.  Don't get me wrong, I do eat them-but in moderation.  I just think the more processed things are, the better I stick to whole foods.

Well, that is all I have for my schedule so far.  I am unsure about my dinner as I am going to an Honors Convocation for a good friend of mine tonight.  You can be assured I will make good choices there, or hold off until I get home.

Yours Truly,

The Crossfit Novice

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Frustrated & Freebies!


Hey there!  
Well I am yet again working on my blog for meal planning and it is not working.  I don't understand why, but I am hoping that when my stepdaughter, Christa, visits this weekend she can show me how to fix it.  My son Keem wasn't sure either.  And yes, they are 17 yrs old & nearly 8 yrs old, but kids usually know these things!

So my frustration is your FREEBIE!  I'm posting a happy fun blog, giving away freebies to change my mood (O:  I'll get back to the meal planning post later, promise!  It's been a good week of eats at our house, and I can't wait to share!

The give aways will include: Rescue Cream (paraben free), Nutritional Yeast, Braggs Amino Acid, Braggs Sprinkle Seasoning, Braggs Sea Kelp Delight, Hemp Hearts, or Toasted Hemp seeds!  

So here is the drill:
  1. Follow my blog
  2. Like my facebook page 
    1. Leave a comment that you'd like to enter the giveaway on my blog.
  3. You will be entered to win!
  4. Keep in mind I will be posting more giveaways at random on my blogs, so STAY TUNED!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Meal Planning

Here are guidelines I give my PT clients (This post is a bit slippery.  The formatting is silliness, so if you get confused, just keep scrolling down:

  • ·         Eat 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hrs.
  • ·         Include whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.
  • ·         One day a week you will be allotted a cheat meal.  This cheat must take place w/in 2-3 consecutive hours. 
  • ·       Calculate your individual Basal Metabolic Rate, using this calculatorThis will help to determine your calorie intake.
  • ·         Drink plenty of PLAIN water!  You can follow the 8 eight ounce glasses per day rule, or take your weight and divide by 2 to find out how many ounces a day you should take in.  When in doubt if you feel thirsty DRINK.  Be careful not to over drink.  Take small sips during a workout and swish it in your mouth before swallowing.  This will help prevent a sloshy stomach or nausea.  Be cautious of the weather.  If you are out in the heat, listen to your body and take care of yourself!
  • A easy way to remember healthful foods is to know the Abs 12 Power Foods.
    • Journal:
      ·      Journal every day.
      Include your food and drink intake as well as your workout. 
      Include your feelings.  Often times things that affect our mentality end up showing through in our physical body.  It is healthy to recognize these feelings, and acknowledge how they affect you.  We can’t always change how things happened in the past, but we can do our best to live in the present, and reach toward a positive future!
Here is a sample of what I prepped for this week's menu for myself and my family on my Sunday.  Giving you an idea of how I eat in comparison to Keem and Scott-my family (O:
Chicken Goop

Cooked and ready to eat Chicken Goop

Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard w/ Brown Rice
Avocado & Nonfat Plain Yogurt
Protein Guacomole
Celery ready and chillin' for my snacking desires.
Berries w/ Yogurt picture 2
Ginger Water
Berries before Nonfat Plain Yogurt
Michigan Grown bought at the Farmer's Market YUMMY Bell Peppers perfect to scoop up gucamole!
Green Peppers #2
Apple Spice Muffins Baking
Apple Spice Muffins Cooling

Chicken Goop: The Boys ate this until it was gone and LOVED it.  Easy for me to cook in the crockpot since I don't eat meat!
Chicken Breast
1 can Condensed Cream of Mushroom-Healthy Version
2 tbsp French Onion Seasoning (or mustard)
1 tbsp Cornstarch/Flour
1/2 cup Water

Pepper to taste, 1 tsp parsley
Place Chicken in Crockpot.  Combine soup w/ flour/cornstarch, and french onion (or mustard); add water & stir, dump in crock, sprinkle w/ pepper & parsley.  Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours.

Swiss Chard & Brown Rice: My dinner.  This was inspired by Jillian Michael's pot stickers
2 Tbsp plus 1 tsp Virgin Coconut Oil
8 oz Swiss Chard Chopped
3 oz Shiitake (I used portabella since I had them) Chopped
2 Scallions/Green Onions/Onions Sliced
2 Garlic Cloves or MORE, minced
1 tsp Fresh Ginger
1/4 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
2 Tbsp Chopped Fresh Cilantro
2 Tsp Rice Wine Vinegar (I probably used Apple Cider/Malt Vinegar)
1 Tsp Low Sodium Tamari
1/4 Tsp Salt
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
Cook Brown Rice per directions on package and spoon Swiss Chard mixture over Brown Rice, enjoy!

Protein Guacamole:
Scoop out Avocado (as much as you want to make)
Add 2 Tbsp or more Nonfat Plain Yogurt
Garlic Powder, & or Low Sodium Taco Seasoning
Lime Juice
Optional: Medium Salsa, Cilantro

Ginger Water:
Boil a piece of ginger in water on the stove OR heat a tea kettle w/ water and pour over ginger.  Steep until cool.  Pour into glass pitcher and chill in Fridge.  Enjoy straight up, in smoothies or for a get better tummy aid.

Nonfat Plain Yogurt w/ berries.  My berries differ w/ the seasons.  When they are available fresh and are good I buy them.  In the winter I do use frozen.  Sometimes I will add Agave, but the blueberries are always good w/o it.  Sometimes I top it w/ some Vanilla Almond Bear Naked Granola.

Apple Spice Muffins (from Yoga Journal): These were made so that my husband could easily feed my son breakfast 2 mornings a week while I am at Xfit.  They went over well, and the neighbor girls (who's mother is a pastry chef) smashed on them on a no school day;-)
2 Cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 TBSP Baking Powder
1/2 TSP Salt
1 Cup Milk
2/3 Cup Sucanat/natural Sugar
2 Eggs
6 TBSP Glee, Melted (I used butter-its what I had)
1 TSP Vanilla
2 Peeled Apples, cut into bite size chunks
2 Pitted Dates, chopped (optional-but I liked them in there)
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

Preheat Oven to 375, Oil 12 muffin tins or line w muffin tins/cups.  Combine Flour, Baking PWD, & Salt in lg bowl.  In another bowl whisk together milk, sucanat/sugar, eggs, ghee/butter, & vanilla.  Pour into dry ingredients & mix gently until evenly moistened.  In a 3rd bowl combine fruit, maple syrup, & cinnamon.  Spoon muffin batter into the prepared tins, filling only half way.  Add a heaping tbsp of fruit mixture to each cup, & then top w/ remaining batter (I forgot to top w/ remain batter-I made more muffins instead :-o) Bake for 30 minutes or until browned on top.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Intro to Kettlebells

Yesterday I was a guest teacher in a College Gym class.  It was a milestone of sorts.  Those of you that knew me well back in the day know that I used to sleep on the weight bench in gym class, hop on a piggy back ride in my personal fitness class, and would sleep in the aerobics room until the gym teacher would come to check on us... and now after a long journey, motherhood, and finding my passion here I am teaching fitness to college students.  What a shocker.  It was only slightly intimidating as my boss was the teacher of the course and she took the class as well.  However looking back on my journey I feel HIGHLY empowered and that totally trumps the intimidation I felt for half a second.

Here is the class I taught.  Feel free to give it a go.  Listen to your body.  Push yourself, and ride the wave.  At the same time keep in mind HURTING is NOT HEALING!  If you need a break take it.  If you need water, drink it--small sips swished in your mouth (no chugging the water or you may get sloshy and feel nauseous).  Post a comment about this workout, how it made you feel, what you loved, what you hated.

Intro to KBs

Joint Mobility: Turn your head left and right 10 times, bring your ear to your left/right shoulder 10 times, shoulder shrugs or arm circles 10 times in each direction, 10 hip circles in each direction, 10 knee circles in each direction, 10 wrist circles in each direction, 10 leg swings fwd and 10 side to side crossing your midline.

Dynamic warm up: ladder in in out out (or whatever variation keeps you moving), 10 squats w/ hands overhead, caterpillar walk (walk your hands out until you are in a plank, then walk your feet twds your hands trying to keep your legs straight, repeat) alternate w/ traveling lunges back to the start and repeat for a total of 3 times

10 each way: Around the World (keep your core engaged & try not to rcok back and forth), Figure 8s

Now you are warmed up and the workout begins!

12 per side lunging row

10-15 Chest Press w/ Tricep extension (similar to skull crusher I will need to add a video of me doing this one-ASAP)

5+ Turkish Get ups per side (I advise a lighter weight (5-10 lbs) until you master the form and can guarantee the integrity and stability of your shoulder joint)

10-15 Burpees (these burpees include a push up)

REPEAT!  See how many rounds you can fit in your determined total amount of time (30 min-60min)


15 KB Sit ups: these are laying down with the bottoms of your feet touching, knees out to the side, hold the goblet of the KB at chest level, lay down, extend the bell overhead & tap lightly on the ground, bring the bell back overhead to your chest & sit up w/o using your elbows on your sides. (I will need to add a video of me doing this one-ASAP)

Variations of planks-up up, down down; hi 5 partner planks, side planks, traditional plank (modification come to knees and forearms-keep  your butt down), kb planks.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Manship Halloween

My husband, Scott & I
Sailor & Nurse 1940's

Trick-OR-Treating: Ghostbuster, Sailor & Rosie the Rivetor

 As you can probably tell I like classic costumes for Halloween.  Scott wasn't too excited to be a sailor this year because he'd miss out on scaring the little ToT-ers, but he agreed to dress up together for a Halloween Party.  If you'd like to learn more about the 1940's pic click on the link above.  For trick or treating I wore my Rosie costume since it is a better outdoor choice in Michigan Octobers!