Friday, November 4, 2011

Intro to Kettlebells

Yesterday I was a guest teacher in a College Gym class.  It was a milestone of sorts.  Those of you that knew me well back in the day know that I used to sleep on the weight bench in gym class, hop on a piggy back ride in my personal fitness class, and would sleep in the aerobics room until the gym teacher would come to check on us... and now after a long journey, motherhood, and finding my passion here I am teaching fitness to college students.  What a shocker.  It was only slightly intimidating as my boss was the teacher of the course and she took the class as well.  However looking back on my journey I feel HIGHLY empowered and that totally trumps the intimidation I felt for half a second.

Here is the class I taught.  Feel free to give it a go.  Listen to your body.  Push yourself, and ride the wave.  At the same time keep in mind HURTING is NOT HEALING!  If you need a break take it.  If you need water, drink it--small sips swished in your mouth (no chugging the water or you may get sloshy and feel nauseous).  Post a comment about this workout, how it made you feel, what you loved, what you hated.

Intro to KBs

Joint Mobility: Turn your head left and right 10 times, bring your ear to your left/right shoulder 10 times, shoulder shrugs or arm circles 10 times in each direction, 10 hip circles in each direction, 10 knee circles in each direction, 10 wrist circles in each direction, 10 leg swings fwd and 10 side to side crossing your midline.

Dynamic warm up: ladder in in out out (or whatever variation keeps you moving), 10 squats w/ hands overhead, caterpillar walk (walk your hands out until you are in a plank, then walk your feet twds your hands trying to keep your legs straight, repeat) alternate w/ traveling lunges back to the start and repeat for a total of 3 times

10 each way: Around the World (keep your core engaged & try not to rcok back and forth), Figure 8s

Now you are warmed up and the workout begins!

12 per side lunging row

10-15 Chest Press w/ Tricep extension (similar to skull crusher I will need to add a video of me doing this one-ASAP)

5+ Turkish Get ups per side (I advise a lighter weight (5-10 lbs) until you master the form and can guarantee the integrity and stability of your shoulder joint)

10-15 Burpees (these burpees include a push up)

REPEAT!  See how many rounds you can fit in your determined total amount of time (30 min-60min)


15 KB Sit ups: these are laying down with the bottoms of your feet touching, knees out to the side, hold the goblet of the KB at chest level, lay down, extend the bell overhead & tap lightly on the ground, bring the bell back overhead to your chest & sit up w/o using your elbows on your sides. (I will need to add a video of me doing this one-ASAP)

Variations of planks-up up, down down; hi 5 partner planks, side planks, traditional plank (modification come to knees and forearms-keep  your butt down), kb planks.


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